Male Bather

By: Mark Yale Harris

The purpose of my artwork is to provoke a perceptual, internal, and intellectual response for the viewer, a visual that speaks to life’s experiences. To create symbols of universal connection and the relationship that one has to another and to nature. Furthermore, art conveys my nonverbal view of life-an ongoing portrayal of myself: my behavior, adventure, exploration, risk-taking, and my non-acceptance of convention and the status quo. I am continually in search of the new, the different, and I am fascinated with the unconventional. Life has a hard, aggressive side, as does much of my work, represented by rigid, angular lines. However, the soft side is also apparent, visible as curves and soft forms. I used the invaluable experience of the mentorship of Bill Prokopiof and Doug Hyde, along with my own vision, to create an evolving body of work in alabaster, marble, limestone, and bronze, often combining different elements to bring forth a duality in the sculpture that I make. My work is included in private and public collections internationally.

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