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By: Omar Shaheed

Omar Shaheed has been an art illustrator and sculptor for over 25 years and has exhibited his works throughout the USA, West Africa and Jamaica.-His commissions range from tabel-top to larger than life sized renderings in stone and bronze such as his installations in Laongo Sculpture Park near Ouagadougou, Grant Medical Center, the Columbus Public Library, The Gateway Building, the Martin Luther King Arts Complex and VIP Services, Bronx New York.-Omar was profiled on HGTV as part of the Modern Masters Program. He is a recipient of the 2007 Dream Award and the author and illustrator of HIP HOP Land, a children’s book published in 1996 by American Images, Chicago Illinois.

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If you’ve scheduled an event for the Greater Columbus Convention Center and have questions about scheduling, facilities or services, you can find the answers here.

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If you’ve scheduled a sporting event in Columbus, the Greater Columbus Sports Commission can provide additional information about sports facilities, hotels, transportation and area attractions. It can also help you promote your event.