Curious Situation

Ron Johnson was born in 1968 in Columbus, Ohio. He attended Ohio State University and received his B.F.A. 1999 in Painting and Drawing, and Virginia Commonwealth University where he received his M.F.A. 2003 in Painting and Printmaking. Recent solo exhibitions include, Reynolds Gallery, Richmond, VA, Garth Greenan Gallery, New York City, NY and Duane Reed Gallery St. Louis, MO with upcoming solo shows at Angela Meleca Gallery, Columbus, OH. and Reynolds Gallery, Richmond, VA. Recent group shows include DM Contemporary, New York, NY and the Art in Embassies program, Holy See, Vatican City. He is included in many private and public collections, including Altria, Markel Corporation, Capital One, Hilton Columbus, to name a few. He recently published a catalog of his yearly travels out west juxtaposing his photographs with works influenced by the landscape.
There was a theory, when they launched the Hubble Telescope years ago, that the telescope would be able to see the Big Bang, or the beginning of time. I found this curious and fascinating, but at the same time it made sense. I was taught when I look at stars I was actually seeing the light generated years ago, in essence seeing back in time.-There is a certain archeology to seeing, a visual digging of sorts. A seen or unseen layering takes place. Obstacles may block the site lines but the obscured space still goes on. I am interested in the moments between and the moments not perceived. In these instances there is a sense of impending and a tension.-I drive out west virtually every summer, simply to look. Landscape is an influence, but mostly in regard to spatial interactions. What intrigues me about the west is the vastness: I can almost see the curvature of the earth. I place myself in situations of observation and engage them.