
By: Clay Sneller

Creating a mood is paramount in my art. It is a mood that first draws me to an idea, and it is the mood that evolves during painting that drives the final work. My works gravitates towards subtle, introspective moods. Viewers are pulled into unique quiet worlds created by colors, shapes, and reducing compositional elements. Even expansive scenes such as the “Clouds” at the Hilton pull you back to a small world, the car traveling across the plain, the distance. The power of nature, life, looms over the car but does not really threaten it, just envelopes it as it does to us all. We marvel and ponder all it does. There should be wonderment in all travel as you pass through new places and I hope this this painting also invokes some that to the traveler.

Creating a mood is paramount in my art. It is a mood that first draws me to an idea, and it is the mood that evolves during painting that drives the final work. My works gravitates towards subtle, introspective moods. Viewers are pulled into unique quiet worlds created by colors, shapes, and reducing compositional elements. Even expansive scenes such as the “Clouds” at the Hilton pull you back to a small world, the car traveling across the plain, the distance. The power of nature, life, looms over the car but does not really threaten it, just envelopes it as it does to us all. We marvel and ponder all it does. There should be wonderment in all travel as you pass through new places and I hope this this painting also invokes some that to the traveler.

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