Papear Palette

I am never without my camera. The quality of light on a flower, the color of rust on a fence, the vibrant paint on a door- they all catch my attention. It’s kind of an intuitive sight. With that intuitive sight, I see beauty in things others may overlook.-Like most things in life, sometimes that intuitive sight works well and sometimes it doesn’t. I feel fortunate when my vision is translated into an image that the viewer can enjoy and appreciate too.-In producing this body of work from which the images for the Hilton were taken, an eye for color and Ordinary Time, I came to an even fuller understanding of the way I am continually drawn to the stuff of everyday life. If my photographs have a mission, it is to capture everyday scenes or even mundane domestic objects and present them as art. I see items that may be considered worn or used up and show them, in what I hope, is an interesting and beautiful way.-With a few very few exceptions, my work to date has minimal digital manipulation. The great majority of my art is just as I found it in its environment and I’ve captured these images wherever I happened to be at any given time.-No matter the location or subject, my hope is that the viewer will be unexpectedly surprised and moved by the perspective my images present. There are times when the viewer may have a connection to the concreteness of an image and at other times it may be a work’s shape, form or color that speaks clearest. Whatever the reaction, I seek to stir something inside which allows the viewer to think and feel differently about what they are seeing.-I consider my work to be most successful when it not only shows beauty, but evokes a sense of wonder and mystery. I’m inspired by a quote from THE COLOR PURPLE, by Alice Walker: “I think it pisses God off if you walk by the color purple in a field somewhere and don’t notice it.” Noticing and capturing what I notice is what I do to create images that will hopefully give the viewer a feeling of really seeing the beauty in something that has been overlooked or gone unnoticed-a beauty that has been there all the time. As I continue to evolve in my art and style, it is my hope that the viewer will see that there is art waiting to be found everywhere, every day.