Cartas De Cuba, Letters from Ohio
By: People to People exchange
Caras de Cuba – Letters from Ohio is a collaboration between artists in the Us and Cuba. The cultural exchange of art between the artists is aimed at strengthening international relatins through art and community. The following artists with their artwork shown from left to right, top to bottom, were part of the large group of 180 artists who have their artwork showcased around Columbus and Cuba during the 2022 exhibit. They are Charlotte McGraw, Tyler Bohm, Katisleivys Sodeno Venegas, Jose A Montes, Aturo Louis, Ren McKinzie, Miroslav de la Torre Kozorez, Ken Rinaldo, Christine D’Epiro Abbott, Melisa Danette Childress, Nazario Salazar Martinez, Daric Gill, Karina Gonzalez Pujol, Molly Burke, Richard Lillash, and Rosa Rojas.
Hilton Downtown